Nikki Haley’s Surging Momentum in the 2024 Republican Presidential Primary

Nikki Haley’s Rise in the 2024 Republican Presidential Primary

In the fast-paced world of politics, candidates’ standings can change rapidly, and Nikki Haley is proving just that. Over the past few weeks, Haley has seen a surge in support and momentum in the race for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. Recent polls and fundraising reports have shown her climbing the ranks and gaining ground on her competitors, particularly Florida Governor Ron DeSantis.

Haley’s rise in the polls has been particularly evident in key early primary states like Iowa and New Hampshire. In Iowa, she has moved into a clear third place, surpassing expectations and narrowing the gap with DeSantis.[0] At the beginning of June, DeSantis held a commanding lead with 27 percent support, while Haley lagged behind with just four percent.[1] However, as of October, DeSantis is at 17 percent to Haley’s 10 percent.[2] While she still has work to do in Iowa, the state’s history of electing Republican women to prominent positions bodes well for Haley’s chances.[2]

In New Hampshire, Haley has seen even greater success, moving into second place behind former President Donald Trump.[3] A recent CNN poll found Haley trailing Trump by 30 points, with 19 percent support compared to his 49 percent. Her appeal to moderates and independents has been a key factor in her rise, with support among these groups increasing significantly in recent months. Among independents, she even outperforms Trump in head-to-head matchups with President Joe Biden.[4]

Haley’s fundraising has also been on the upswing, another crucial aspect of a successful campaign. In the third quarter of 2023, she raised $8.2 million, closing the gap with DeSantis who raised $11.2 million during the same period.[5] While DeSantis still holds the advantage in fundraising, Haley’s trend line is moving in the right direction, and she has more cash on hand for the primary race.

The growing support for Haley has not gone unnoticed by Republican donors and influencers. One notable example is Keith Rabois, a prominent GOP donor who previously supported DeSantis.[1] Rabois has now shifted his allegiance and is set to host a fundraiser for Haley, signaling a changing tide within the party. This shift in support could have significant implications for the race, as donors play a crucial role in funding campaigns and shaping public perception.

However, Haley still faces challenges in her quest for the nomination. While her rise in the polls and fundraising numbers are encouraging, she still trails both Trump and DeSantis by a significant margin.[2] Winning over conservative voters who remain loyal to the former president will be a formidable task for Haley.[6] Additionally, she must continue to build a strong campaign infrastructure in key states like Iowa, where DeSantis has already established a robust network of support.

Despite these obstacles, Haley’s recent success has positioned her as a serious contender in the 2024 Republican primary. Her appeal to a broad spectrum of voters, fundraising prowess, and ability to navigate complex policy issues make her a formidable candidate. As the race heats up and the field continues to take shape, all eyes will be on Haley as she seeks to challenge the dominance of Trump and DeSantis. Only time will tell if she can maintain her upward trajectory and secure the Republican nomination.

0. “Opinion | Nikki Haley needs independent voters to beat Trump” The Washington Post, 17 Oct. 2023,

1. “Key DeSantis Backer to Host Fundraiser for Rival Nikki Haley: Report” Yahoo Canada Shine On, 17 Oct. 2023,

2. “Nikki Haley rising – POLITICO” POLITICO, 16 Oct. 2023,

3. “DeSantis and Haley split over Palestinian refugees as rivalry to be top Trump alternative intensifies” CNN, 18 Oct. 2023,

4. “Nikki Haley Is Masquerading as a Moderate” The New Republic, 16 Oct. 2023,

5. “DeSantis and Haley split over Palestinian refugees as rivalry to be top Trump alternative intensifies” The Albany Herald, 18 Oct. 2023,

6. “Star Parker | Opinion |” Fort Bend Herald, 19 Oct. 2023,

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