Desantis vs. Trump: Can the Florida Governor Out-Tweet the Former President?

Governor Ron DeSantis of Florida has officially announced his bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024. However, the question on everyone’s mind is whether he can beat the former President Donald Trump, who is still the clear frontrunner in the race. DeSantis is positioning himself as a Trump-style conservative without the Trump baggage, but that may not be enough to win over Trump’s loyal base.

DeSantis has been gaining popularity among Republicans as a potential candidate for the 2024 presidential election. He has been praised for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida and his conservative policies. However, he faces a tough challenge in beating Trump, who still enjoys a high level of support among the Republican base. Trump has not officially announced his candidacy for the 2024 election, but he has hinted at the possibility and has been actively involved in Republican politics.

The race between DeSantis and Trump is shaping up to be a battle for the soul of the Republican Party. DeSantis is seen by some as a younger, more polished version of Trump, while others see him as a more traditional conservative. The outcome of the race will have significant implications for the future of the party and the direction of American politics. Whether DeSantis can beat Trump remains to be seen, but one thing is certain: the 2024 Republican primary will be one of the most closely watched and hotly contested elections in recent history.

Ron DeSantis: The Florida Governor


Ron DeSantis is the current Governor of Florida, having taken office in January 2019. He was born in Jacksonville, Florida, in 1978 and graduated from Yale University and Harvard Law School. He served in the U.S. Navy and was deployed to Iraq during his time in the military.

DeSantis has been a prominent figure in Florida politics since he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2012. He served in Congress until 2018, when he resigned to run for Governor.


Since taking office, DeSantis has been praised for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida. Despite criticism from some quarters, he has refused to implement strict lockdown measures, instead focusing on protecting vulnerable populations and keeping the state’s economy open.

DeSantis has also been a strong advocate for education reform in Florida. He has pushed for increased funding for schools and has championed school choice initiatives.


DeSantis has implemented a number of policies during his time in office that have been controversial. For example, he signed a bill into law in 2021 that prohibits social media companies from banning political candidates from their platforms. He has also been criticized for his stance on environmental issues, with some accusing him of being too friendly to big business.

Despite these criticisms, DeSantis has remained popular in Florida and has even earned a few nicknames, including “Governor DeathSantis” from his detractors and “Governor Dis-ney” from his supporters.

Overall, DeSantis has been a successful Governor of Florida, with a strong record on education and a pragmatic approach to the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether he can beat former President Trump in the 2024 Republican primary remains to be seen, but he is certainly a contender.

Donald Trump: The Former President


Donald Trump, the former President of the United States, is known for his brash personality, unconventional approach to politics, and his love of money. He made a fortune in real estate before entering politics and his business acumen was often touted as a strength during his presidency.


Trump’s endorsement is highly coveted in Republican circles, and many candidates seek his support during elections. However, his endorsement can also be a double-edged sword, as it can also turn off moderate voters and those who are turned off by his divisive rhetoric.


Trump’s presidency was not without controversy, and he left office with a lot of baggage. His administration was plagued by scandals, gaffes, and a culture of losing. His handling of the COVID-19 pandemic was widely criticized, and his refusal to concede the 2020 election led to the storming of the Capitol by his supporters.

Despite all of this, Trump remains a popular figure among many Republicans, and his endorsement can still carry a lot of weight in primary elections.

In contrast, Ron DeSantis, the current Governor of Florida, is seen as a rising star in the Republican Party. He has been praised for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in his state and has been endorsed by many conservative groups.

It remains to be seen whether DeSantis can beat Trump in a primary election, but one thing is for sure: the race will be closely watched by political observers on both sides of the aisle.

Can DeSantis Beat Trump?


According to recent polls, Governor Ron DeSantis has gained significant popularity among Republican voters. However, he still lags behind the former President Donald Trump in national polls. A recent New York Times poll shows Trump at 47 percent, with DeSantis at 28 percent. But, let’s not forget that DeSantis was polling at only 19 percent among likely GOP primary voters just last year.

GOP Nomination

Winning the GOP nomination will be crucial for DeSantis if he wants to compete against Trump. He has already announced his bid for the Republican presidential nomination in 2024. However, he will have to face tough competition from other potential candidates, including former Vice President Mike Pence and Senator Ted Cruz.

National Profile

DeSantis has gained national attention for his conservative policies and handling of the COVID-19 pandemic. He has also been praised for his efforts to protect freedom and integrity in the voting process. However, his national profile is still not as high as Trump’s, who has a massive following among the Republican base.

DeSantis will have to work hard to increase his national profile and gain support from top donors. He will also have to perform well in key primary states like Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina to win the GOP nomination.

In conclusion, while DeSantis has a good chance of winning the GOP nomination, beating Trump in the primary will be a daunting task. He will have to work hard to increase his national profile and gain support from top donors. Only time will tell if he has what it takes to win the Republican presidential nomination and the presidency in 2024.

The Truth About DeSantis vs. Trump


The truth about the DeSantis vs. Trump battle is that it’s too early to tell who will come out on top. While DeSantis has been gaining popularity among Republicans and has officially announced his bid for the presidential nomination, Trump still has a strong base of supporters and a lot of clout within the party.

One thing that is clear is that the two men have very different styles. DeSantis is seen as more measured and less bombastic than Trump, which could play well with voters who are tired of the former president’s antics. However, some may see DeSantis as lacking the charisma and energy that Trump brings to the table.

Another factor to consider is policy. While both men are conservative, they have some differences in their approaches. For example, DeSantis has been more vocal about his support for traditional Republican policies like limited government and free markets, while Trump has been more populist and protectionist.


Some critics of DeSantis have accused him of being disanctimonious, or hypocritical, in his approach to certain issues. For example, he has been criticized for his handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida, with some saying he has been too lax in his approach to public health measures like mask mandates and social distancing.

DeSantis has also been criticized for his ties to big corporations and wealthy donors, which some say undermines his image as a champion of the working class. However, supporters argue that he is simply being pragmatic and doing what he needs to do to win in a crowded and competitive political landscape.

Ultimately, the truth about DeSantis vs. Trump is that it’s anyone’s game at this point. Both men have their strengths and weaknesses, and it will be up to voters to decide who they want to represent the Republican Party in the 2024 presidential election.

The Importance of the 2024 Election

General Election Voters

The 2024 election is expected to be one of the most important and highly contested elections in recent history. With the country still reeling from the effects of the pandemic and political divisions growing deeper, the stakes are high for both parties. General election voters will be looking for a candidate who can bring stability and unity to the country, while also addressing pressing issues such as healthcare, immigration, and climate change.

Poll Numbers

Poll numbers will play a crucial role in determining the success of any candidate in the 2024 election. While early polls may not always be an accurate indicator of a candidate’s chances, they can provide valuable insight into public opinion and help shape campaign strategies. Governor Ron DeSantis will need to improve his poll numbers significantly if he hopes to beat former President Trump in the Republican primary and ultimately win the general election.

Campaign Trail

The campaign trail is where candidates can make or break their chances of winning an election. Governor DeSantis will need to appeal to a wide range of voters, including those who may be skeptical of his record on issues such as climate change and healthcare. He will also need to navigate the tricky waters of the Republican Party establishment, which may be hesitant to support a candidate who is seen as too closely aligned with former President Trump.

Despite these challenges, Governor DeSantis has a number of advantages that could help him win the 2024 election. He has a strong record on issues such as law and order and economic growth, and he has been able to appeal to both moderate and conservative voters. However, he will need to work hard to overcome the obstacles in his path, including the popularity of former President Trump and the potential candidacy of Hillary Clinton.

In conclusion, the 2024 election will be one of the most important in recent history, and Governor Ron DeSantis will need to work hard to win the support of general election voters, improve his poll numbers, and navigate the campaign trail successfully. While the road ahead may be challenging, there is still a chance that he could beat former President Trump and become the next President of the United States.

The Role of Diversity and Inclusion in Politics

Sex and Gender Identity

Diversity and inclusion have become increasingly important in politics, and Governor Ron DeSantis and former President Trump are no exception. Both have taken stances on issues related to sex and gender identity. DeSantis has signed bills targeting LGBTQ people, while Trump has been criticized for his administration’s efforts to roll back protections for transgender individuals.

In recent years, there has been a push for more representation of women and gender-diverse individuals in politics. This has led to the election of more women and LGBTQ individuals, as well as the appointment of Kamala Harris as the first female Vice President of the United States. DeSantis and Trump’s stances on these issues may impact their chances in future elections, as voters become more aware of the importance of diversity and inclusion.


Activists play a crucial role in promoting diversity and inclusion in politics. They bring attention to issues that are often overlooked and hold politicians accountable for their actions. DeSantis and Trump have both faced criticism from activists for their stances on issues related to diversity and inclusion.

For example, DeSantis has been criticized for signing a bill banning DEI initiatives in public colleges and universities. Activists argue that this will harm marginalized communities and prevent progress towards a more inclusive society. Trump has also faced criticism for his administration’s policies, such as the travel ban targeting predominantly Muslim countries.

In conclusion, the role of diversity and inclusion in politics cannot be overstated. It is important for politicians to be aware of the impact their policies have on marginalized communities and to work towards a more inclusive society. DeSantis and Trump’s stances on these issues may impact their chances in future elections, as voters become more aware of the importance of diversity and inclusion.


So, can Governor Ron DeSantis beat former President Trump in the 2024 Republican presidential race? The answer to that question is still up in the air. While some national surveys have shown DeSantis gaining popularity among Republican voters, he still trails behind Trump in most polls.

However, it’s important to note that the race is still two years away, and a lot can change in that time. DeSantis has been making waves with his conservative policies and handling of the COVID-19 pandemic in Florida, which could potentially sway more voters to his side.

On the other hand, Trump still holds a significant amount of influence and support among the Republican base. It’s unclear whether he will actually run in 2024, but if he does, he will undoubtedly be a formidable opponent for DeSantis or any other candidate.

Ultimately, only time will tell who will come out on top in the Republican primary. It’s sure to be an interesting and entertaining race to watch, and we can only hope that Casey, the psychic goat who correctly predicted the winner of the 2020 presidential election, will weigh in on the matter.

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