Governor DeSantis Releases Proposed Budget Amid Gas Stove Debate

On Wednesday, February 1, Governor Ron DeSantis released the proposed Fiscal 2023-2024 Framework for Freedom Budget, which solidifies his commitment to support the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission’s (FWC) mission to protect Florida’s natural resources.[0] The budget includes high-priority conservation items such as eradication and control of pythons and other nonnative species, enhanced protections for manatees and sea turtles, seagrass restoration support, and support for law enforcement.[0] It also includes a $2 billion tax cut for Florida families, as well as a Toll Relief Program.[1]

The shift has been initiated as the discussion surrounding gas stoves has become more intense in the last few weeks.[2] A study in October revealed that benzene, a known carcinogen, is emitted from gas stoves, raising health concerns.[3] In response, the Consumer Product Safety Commission announced it would consider regulations on indoor air pollution from gas stoves.[2] This prompted Tucker Carlson and Florida Representative Matt Gaetz to defend gas stoves, sparking a political debate.

Despite the sudden surge in attention, studies have been warning of the dangers of gas stoves since the late 1970s, with some pointing to the health risks of nitrogen dioxide and others focusing on benzene.[3] On The Politics of Everything podcast, guests Heather Souvaine Horn, Marc Hetherington, and Alex Shephard discussed the fossil fuel industry’s misinformation campaign, how political views inform consumer choices, and the way the right leverages the perpetual outrage machine.[3]

In addition to his proposed budget, Governor DeSantis has also sought to ban diversity, equity, and inclusion programs, including critical race theory, at Florida colleges.[4] Despite criticism from some, DeSantis questions the jury process on the death penalty and suggests the law should be changed so only “maybe 8 out of 12” jurors have to agree, instead of requiring a unanimous decision.[5]

The proposed budget has been met with opposition from Disney, whose Walt Disney World Resort president Jeff Vahle said in a statement: “We are monitoring the progression of the draft legislation… and regardless of the outcome, we remain committed to providing the highest quality experience for the millions of guests who visit each year.”[6]

The Florida Legislature will make its final decisions during the Session that begins Tuesday, March 7th.[1]

0. “FWC: Governor Ron DeSantis’ Framework for Freedom Budget …”, 22 Feb. 2023,

1. “”The Framework for Freedom,” Governor Ron DeSantis’ State …”, 22 Feb. 2023,

2. “Ron DeSantis pushes permanent Florida sales-tax exemption for …”, 22 Feb. 2023,

3. “The Fiery Gas Stove Wars | The New Republic”, 22 Feb. 2023,

4. “New College students, faculty protest Gov. DeSantis’ changes to …”, 22 Feb. 2023,

5. “Ron DeSantis wants to end unanimous jury for death penalty, thus …”, 22 Feb. 2023,

6. “Ron DeSantis would pick Disney World district board under new bill …”, 22 Feb. 2023,

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