Ron DeSantis Declines to be Donald Trump’s Running Mate, Sparks Debate on Strategy and Support in the 2024 GOP Nomination Race

In the race for the Republican Party’s nomination for the 2024 presidential election, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has made it clear that he will not be former President Donald Trump’s running mate if he fails to secure the nomination. During an interview on a Wisconsin-based podcast, DeSantis stated that he sees himself as a leader and not a number two guy. He believes that he can accomplish more as governor of Florida than as vice president, which he believes does not hold much authority.

DeSantis’ decision not to be Trump’s running mate has sparked a debate among political commentators.[0] New York progressive Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez expressed her views on the matter, stating that DeSantis is trying to win over Trump’s base, but that base belongs to Donald Trump himself.[1] She believes that DeSantis has made a critical error by trying to out-Trump Trump and by attacking teachers, schools, and LGBTQ+ Americans. Ocasio-Cortez argues that DeSantis has sacrificed the one thing that could have made him competitive, which is the perception that he is more rational than Trump.

DeSantis, on the other hand, remains focused on winning the early primaries and does not want to speculate on potential running mates at this stage of the race. He is determined to secure the Republican nomination and has expressed his support for the eventual nominee, even if it is Trump.[2]

Polls consistently show Trump leading the race for the 2024 GOP nomination, with DeSantis trailing behind in second place.[0] In a CBS News poll conducted in June, 61% of Republican primary voters chose Trump as their first choice, while 23% chose DeSantis. An NBC News poll conducted last month also found Trump leading with 51% of national Republican primary voters, followed by DeSantis with 22%. Other candidates are polling in the single digits.[3]

Despite DeSantis’ efforts to gain momentum, he still lags behind Trump by a significant margin. Some political commentators argue that DeSantis’ strategy to emulate Trump is flawed, as it is nearly impossible to out-Trump Trump. They believe that DeSantis has made critical errors and that his campaign is struggling to make a dent in Trump’s lead.

As the race for the Republican nomination continues, it remains to be seen whether DeSantis can overcome the obstacles and gain more support. The Republican Party is currently disoriented, and there is a lack of unity beyond Donald Trump.[4] Ocasio-Cortez believes that there is no competition to Trump within the party, as those who have tried to appeal to people’s cooler senses have been driven out.[4]

In conclusion, Ron DeSantis has firmly stated that he will not be Donald Trump’s running mate if he does not secure the GOP nomination for the 2024 presidential election. While he remains focused on winning the early primaries, DeSantis faces an uphill battle against Trump, who consistently leads in the polls. The race for the Republican nomination is still ongoing, and it remains to be seen if DeSantis can overcome the challenges and gain more support.

0. “‘Not a No. 2 guy’: DeSantis said he wouldn’t be Trump’s running mate”, 12 Jul. 2023,

1. “Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez weighs in on GOP primary race, says one candidate made serious ‘critical errors'” Fox News, 10 Jul. 2023,

2. “‘I’m not a number 2 guy’: Ron DeSantis says he WON’T be Donald Trump’s running mate” Daily Mail, 12 Jul. 2023,

3. “DeSantis says he won’t be Trump’s 2024 running mate” Washington Examiner, 12 Jul. 2023,

4. “AOC Tells Jen Psaki: DeSantis is Not ‘More Rational’ Than Trump” Mediaite, 9 Jul. 2023,

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