Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Announces Proposal to Increase Sanctions on Iran in Support of Israel’s Fight Against Terrorism

In the wake of the heinous attacks against Israel over the weekend, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has expressed his unwavering support for the State of Israel and condemned the Iranian terror state. Speaking at a press conference alongside members of the Florida Legislature and leaders in the Jewish community, DeSantis announced a proposal to increase the state’s sanctions on Iran.[0] The proposed sanctions aim to broaden the industries on Florida’s scrutinized companies list and strengthen the state’s position against states that sponsor terrorism.[1]

Florida has a special relationship with Israel, with strong bonds of family and friendship that link many Floridians to the Israeli people. Senate President Kathleen Passidomo emphasized this relationship, stating that Florida stands with Governor DeSantis in support of Israel and condemns the terrorist acts orchestrated by Iran. The proposed legislation further reinforces Florida’s commitment to not engage in business with state sponsors of terrorism.[2]

Governor DeSantis strongly denounced the pro-Hamas rallies that took place in Tampa and Fort Lauderdale, calling them “abhorrent.”[3] He emphasized that Hamas is a terrorist group dedicated to the destruction of Israel and commits atrocities to further their cause.[3] DeSantis stressed that Israel has the right and duty to defend itself with overwhelming force against Hamas and other terrorist organizations.[4] He firmly stated that justice must be severe enough to deter future attacks and reiterated his unwavering support for Israel and the Jewish people.

The proposed legislation aims to expand the prohibition on state and local government investment in Iranian businesses to include various sectors such as finance, construction, manufacturing, textiles, technology, shipping, and ports.[5] DeSantis highlighted that Iran uses funds to support terrorism rather than improving the lives of its people. He emphasized that it is important for Americans to stand firm and reject any moral equivalence between Israel defending itself and Hamas terrorists committing atrocities against civilians.

Florida has one of the largest Jewish populations in the United States, with high concentrations in South Florida. The state’s Israeli-American community is the third-largest in the country. Governor DeSantis has been a strong supporter of Israel since 2019, leading trade delegations, enacting legislation to combat anti-Semitism, and prohibiting Florida investment in companies that discriminate against Israel.

In his speech at The Shul of Bal Harbour, DeSantis expressed his anger at the heinous terrorist attacks and emphasized the need for justice. He warned against blaming Israel for defending itself and urged Americans to stand with Israel in securing its country. Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuñez and Israel Consul General Maor Elbaz-Starinsky joined DeSantis in making the announcement.[5]

Former Vice President Mike Pence also weighed in on the situation, expressing concern over leading voices signaling a retreat from America’s role as the leader of the free world.[6] He emphasized that the invasion by Hamas into Israel was unprovoked and called for America to once again stand as the leader of the free world.

In conclusion, Governor Ron DeSantis’ unwavering support for Israel following the heinous attacks demonstrates Florida’s strong alliance with the State of Israel. The proposed increase in sanctions against Iran and the condemnation of pro-Hamas rallies highlight Florida’s commitment to combating terrorism and protecting its citizens. The special relationship between Florida and Israel is rooted in shared values, family ties, and friendship, and the state will continue to stand firmly with Israel in its fight against terrorism.

0. “‘We must stand with Israel’: Gov. DeSantis wants to increase Florida’s sanctions on Iran” FOX 13 Tampa, 10 Oct. 2023, https://www.fox13news.com/news/we-must-stand-with-israel-gov-desantis-wants-to-increase-floridas-sanctions-on-iran

1. “Governor DeSantis proposes increased sanctions against Iran” WPBF West Palm Beach, 10 Oct. 2023, https://www.wpbf.com/article/florida-governor-desantis-proposes-increased-sanctions-against-iran/45497040

2. “DeSantis planning to increase Florida sanctions on Iran” The Hill, 10 Oct. 2023, https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4247864-desantis-planning-to-increase-florida-sanctions-on-iran/

3. “Ron DeSantis: Pro-Hamas rallies ‘abhorrent’ – JNS.org” JNS.org, 8 Oct. 2023, https://www.jns.org/ron-desantis-pro-hamas-rallies-abhorrent

4. “Ron DeSantis weighs in on Israel-Gaza conflict during stop at Ottumwa’s Oktoberfest” ktvo.com, 8 Oct. 2023, https://ktvo.com/news/local/ron-desantis-weighs-in-on-israel-gaza-conflict-during-stop-at-ottumwas-oktoberfest

5. “Gov. DeSantis expresses support for Israel, proposes increased sanctions on Iran” CBS News, 10 Oct. 2023, https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/watch-live-gov-desantis-joined-by-israel-consul-general-maor-elbaz-starinsky-at-news-conference-in-surfside/

6. “Pence Blames Trump And Isolationist Republicans Amid Israel Crisis: They Are ‘Signaling Retreat’” Mediaite, 8 Oct. 2023, https://www.mediaite.com/politics/pence-blames-trump-and-isolationist-republicans-amid-israel-crisis-they-are-signaling-retreat/

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