Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Criticizes Former President Trump’s Abortion Stance

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has criticized former President Donald Trump for his reluctance to take a stance on abortion restrictions. Trump had criticized DeSantis for enacting Florida’s ban on abortions after six weeks of pregnancy, while remaining evasive about his own position on the issue. DeSantis hit back, saying that Trump had dodged questions about whether he would sign a bill similar to the six-week abortion ban signed by DeSantis.[0] DeSantis signed the bill in question and said that he was proud to do so.[1] The legislation bans abortions after a detectable heartbeat is present, which usually occurs around six weeks into a pregnancy.

Trump has previously criticized DeSantis for his support of raising the retirement age for Social Security and Medicare, cutting Social Security benefits, turning Medicare into a “voucher program,” and cutting Medicare benefits in general.[2] In a recent interview, Trump also criticized Fox News for its positive coverage of DeSantis, whom he called a “disloyal and dour striver who is in desperate need of a personality transplant.”

Abortion remains a divisive issue in the US, with a majority of Americans supporting abortion rights according to an NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist National Poll from last month.[3] The poll also revealed that a majority of those surveyed oppose limiting abortions up until six weeks, as is now the case in Florida.[3] However, fighting abortion with ever-stricter bans is extremely popular among pro-life evangelical Christian conservatives, a powerful constituency within the Republican primary electorate.[4]

0. “DeSantis takes swipe at Trump over six-week abortion ban in Florida” The Hill, 16 May. 2023, https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4006912-desantis-takes-swipe-at-trump-over-six-week-abortion-ban-in-florida/

1. “DeSantis snaps back at Trump over Florida’s 6-week abortion ban” POLITICO, 16 May. 2023, https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/16/desantis-trump-florida-six-week-abortion-ban-00097154

2. “Trump’s Hill backers often voted like DeSantis on entitlements” Roll Call , 9 May. 2023, https://www.rollcall.com/2023/05/09/trumps-hill-backers-often-voted-like-desantis-on-entitlements/

3. “Trump Insists the ‘Whole Country’ Can Agree on New Abortion Rollbacks” The Daily Beast, 17 May. 2023, https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-insists-the-whole-country-can-agree-on-new-abortion-rollbacks

4. “DeSantis accuses Trump of dodging questions about Florida’s strict abortion law” Brunswick News, 16 May. 2023, https://thebrunswicknews.com/news/national_news/desantis-accuses-trump-of-dodging-questions-about-floridas-strict-abortion-law/article_ed72db2f-6caf-56be-a7f4-910b0b882fc7.html

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