Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Expected to Announce 2024 Presidential Candidacy Next Week

According to multiple reports, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is expected to officially announce his candidacy for the 2024 U.S. presidential election next week.[0] DeSantis has been hinting at his White House ambitions through speeches, super PAC ads, and visits to key primary states for months.[1] His entry into the race is expected to mark the start of the 2024 election cycle, and it will formalize the quasi-campaign that DeSantis has been waging while building a legislative record he can champion on the national stage.[2]

DeSantis is expected to declare his presidential candidacy by filing his paperwork with the Federal Election Commission (FEC).[3] He is likely to soft-launch his campaign as early as Wednesday, which will coincide with the filing of the paperwork, according to a Republican consultant close to the governor’s political team.[4] DeSantis’ formal announcement is expected to come the following week in his Florida hometown of Dunedin.[4]

DeSantis has consistently polled as former President Donald Trump’s most formidable rival in the 2024 GOP primary. However, his pre-launch period has been riddled with moves that have raised questions about how prepared he is for a slugfest with Trump and other GOP candidates.[5] Some allies and donors have called for him to recalibrate his approach or relent on some of his past positions lest his campaign fizzle before it officially begins.[6]

One of DeSantis’ most controversial positions of late has been his back-and-forth with the Walt Disney Corporation over control of an improvement district.[6] Former New Jersey Governor Chris Christie has criticized him for using the power of government to punish a private company.[6] Some in his own party have also started to question his strategy about a few of his most high-profile actions as governor.[7]

However, DeSantis remains Trump’s strongest competitor for the GOP nomination in 2024, according to polls. In a recent Yahoo News/YouGov survey, DeSantis polled at 36%, within striking distance of Trump’s 50% in a one-on-one matchup among potential Republican primary voters.[1] When considering the current field, none of the other GOP candidates received a poll result higher than 4%.[1]

DeSantis’ entry into the race is expected to set up a showdown between him and Trump, who has coined the nickname “Ron DeSanctimonious” to refer to his former protege.[2] Trump has attacked DeSantis on a number of policy issues, in addition to the usual personality-based insults he deploys against his enemies.[2] Trump has also taken credit for DeSantis’ political rise after he backed him in his 2018 gubernatorial race.[2]

DeSantis has largely shied away from criticizing Trump so far.[2] However, he gave supporters a preview of his pitch on Thursday, saying that he has a more “credible” chance of beating Joe Biden than Trump and the rest of the Republican field.[8] “You have basically three people at this point that are credible in this whole thing: Biden, Trump and me,” DeSantis said.[8] “And I think of those three, two have a chance to get elected president — Biden and me.[9]

0. “DeSantis graces cover of latest ‘Time’ magazine” WPTV News Channel 5 West Palm, 18 May. 2023, https://www.wptv.com/news/political/gov-ron-desantis-graces-cover-of-latest-edition-of-time-magazine

1. “Is DeSantis DOA against Trump?” Yahoo News, 22 May. 2023, https://news.yahoo.com/is-desantis-doa-against-trump-213154241.html

2. “DeSantis Will Reportedly Run For President Next Week—Here’s What We Know About His Campaign” Forbes, 18 May. 2023, https://www.forbes.com/sites/saradorn/2023/05/18/desantis-will-reportedly-run-for-president-next-week-heres-what-we-know-about-his-campaign/

3. “Reporter mocked after shouting questions at DeSantis, ‘slow-motion’ chasing him: ‘Why are you against Disney?'” Fox News, 23 May. 2023, https://www.foxnews.com/media/reporter-mocked-shouting-questions-desantis-slow-motion-chasing-him-why-are-you-against-disney

4. “DeSantis expected to enter 2024 presidential race next week” CNN, 18 May. 2023, https://www.cnn.com/2023/05/18/politics/desantis-announcement/index.html

5. “Ron DeSantis expands his circle as he prepares his 2024 launch” NBC News, 17 May. 2023, https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2024-election/ron-desantis-expands-circle-prepares-2024-launch-rcna84744

6. “DeSantis more likely to ‘double down’ than pivot as he enters presidential race” Miami Herald, 19 May. 2023, https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article275568636.html

7. “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis plans to officially announce presidential run next week” CNBC, 18 May. 2023, https://www.cnbc.com/2023/05/18/desantis-plans-to-officially-announce-presidential-run-next-week.html

8. “Ron DeSantis Apparently Thinks His Right Wing Crusade Is More Popular Than Trump’s” Vanity Fair, 19 May. 2023, https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/05/ron-desantis-to-announce-presidential-run

9. “DeSantis stumbles while seeking to stick Trump with loser label” The Hill, 20 May. 2023, https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4012686-desantis-stumbles-while-seeking-to-stick-trump-with-loser-label/

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