Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Faces Setbacks in 2024 GOP Presidential Nomination Bid

In recent weeks, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has been facing a series of setbacks in his bid for the 2024 GOP presidential nomination. Despite initial optimism and high polling numbers earlier this year, DeSantis has seen a decline in support and is now trailing behind former President Donald Trump in the race.

A poll of Florida Republicans conducted in July showed Trump with a 20-point lead over DeSantis in the nomination contest.[0] Among registered Republicans, Trump received support from 50 percent, while DeSantis only garnered 30 percent.[1] This downward trend in support has been consistent across multiple polls, with DeSantis lagging behind Trump by a significant margin.

Even Fox News, a network known for its favorable coverage of conservative politicians, has questioned DeSantis’s campaign.[2] Anchor Maria Bartiromo asked DeSantis about his declining poll numbers and the lack of enthusiasm surrounding his campaign. DeSantis struggled to provide a satisfactory answer, blaming the media for his woes.

Behind the scenes, it appears that media mogul Rupert Murdoch, who initially championed DeSantis as the future of the Republican Party, has started to sour on the Florida governor.[3] Murdoch has reportedly remarked that he “can smell a loser a mile away,” signaling a shift in his support.[4] This comes after Murdoch’s media empire had previously positioned DeSantis as the new face of the GOP, following the 2022 midterms.[3]

One factor that may have contributed to DeSantis’s decline in popularity is a series of controversial actions and statements. A campaign video released by DeSantis, which was widely perceived as homophobic, drew criticism from various quarters, including the Log Cabin Republicans, a national group of gay conservatives.[5] Murdoch himself is said to have recoiled at the video, indicating that DeSantis’s extreme rhetoric has alienated key demographics.

In addition to these setbacks, DeSantis has faced criticism for his handling of issues in Florida. The state has recently experienced a wave of insurance companies either leaving or going into liquidation, leaving many Floridians without coverage.[6] Farmers Insurance and AAA have both announced that they will no longer offer certain policies in the state. This has further eroded public confidence in DeSantis’s leadership.

Overall, it seems that DeSantis’s once-promising campaign has hit a roadblock. His declining poll numbers, criticism from within his own party, and loss of support from influential figures like Rupert Murdoch have all contributed to his current predicament. While it is still early in the race for the 2024 GOP nomination, DeSantis will need to make significant changes and regain momentum if he hopes to compete with Donald Trump and other contenders. Otherwise, his bid for the presidency may be short-lived.

0. “Florida poll: Florida voters deeply divided over DeSantis vs. Disney battle” South Florida Sun Sentinel, 10 Jul. 2023, https://www.sun-sentinel.com/2023/07/10/florida-poll-florida-voters-deeply-divided-over-desantis-vs-disney-battle/

1. “Still Trumpy: Former president leads DeSantis in polls” Palm Coast Observer and Ormond Beach Observer, 16 Jul. 2023, https://www.observerlocalnews.com/news/2023/jul/16/still-trumpy

2. “Ron “Don’t Say Gay” DeSantis’ campaign is sinking so fast that a major ally is now about to jump ship” Queerty, 12 Jul. 2023, https://www.queerty.com/ron-dont-say-gay-desantis-campaign-is-sinking-so-fast-that-a-major-ally-is-now-about-to-jump-ship-20230712

3. “Ron DeSantis’s Lack of Personality Is Now Costing Him GOP Sugar Daddies: Report” Vanity Fair, 13 Jul. 2023, https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2023/07/ron-desantiss-lack-of-personality-is-now-costing-him-gop-sugar-daddies-report

4. “Murdoch Begins to Suspect DeSantis Is Actually a ‘Loser'” New York Magazine, 12 Jul. 2023, https://nymag.com/intelligencer/2023/07/murdoch-desantis-loser.html

5. “‘A long slog’: Inside DeSantis’s early struggles and effort to rebound” The Washington Post, 16 Jul. 2023, https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/15/desantis-campaign-2024-presidential/

6. “Ron DeSantis’ Problems Keep Getting Worse and Worse” Newsweek, 13 Jul. 2023, https://www.newsweek.com/ron-desantis-florida-problems-2024-1812792

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