Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Gains Momentum in Presidential Campaign with Endorsements from 60 Law Enforcement Officers

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is gaining momentum in his campaign for the presidency, receiving endorsements from 60 bipartisan law enforcement officers in the state. This endorsement comes as a significant boost to DeSantis, surpassing the number of endorsements he received during his previous gubernatorial race in 2022.[0] The law enforcement officers cited DeSantis’ unwavering support for their profession and his commitment to law and order as the reasons for their endorsement.[0]

The endorsements were announced by DeSantis’ campaign on Thursday, highlighting his dedication to backing the blue and ensuring the safety of communities across the nation. Polk County Sheriff Grady Judd, a Republican, stated, “Our nation needs a leader who will bring back law and order to our communities. The people in the major metropolitan areas deserve to be safe, too. As President of the United States, he will fight to curtail runaway violent crime.”[1]

Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey, also a Republican, echoed Judd’s sentiments, praising DeSantis for delivering results for law enforcement officers and their families. Ivey emphasized DeSantis’ track record of supporting law enforcement through pay raises, bonuses, and ensuring they have the resources they need to perform their duties. He stated, “Crime has gotten out of control in this country, but not in Florida. America desperately needs Ron DeSantis to go into the White House on Day One and replace Joe Biden’s soft-on-crime policies with his agenda to back the blue and protect our communities.”[0]

The endorsements from law enforcement officers come at a crucial time for DeSantis as he faces stiff competition in the crowded field of Republican candidates.[2] South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley is polling ahead of DeSantis in her home state, but DeSantis remains optimistic about his chances.[3] He stated, “You could have John Kennedy walk through the door right now and he wouldn’t energize Democrats as much as Donald Trump does.”[4]

While DeSantis has been gaining support from law enforcement officers, his campaign has also taken a surprising turn in its approach to former President Donald Trump. Previously, DeSantis had avoided direct criticism of Trump, but he has now gone on the attack, highlighting Trump’s alleged shortcomings and even selling merchandise mocking him.[5] This shift in strategy marks a significant departure from DeSantis’ earlier approach and suggests his willingness to make up for his polling deficit by confronting his former ally.

Despite the attacks on Trump, the former president’s campaign has not remained silent. They regularly criticize DeSantis, engaging in social media battles and branding him with the nickname “DeSanctimonious.” The back-and-forth between the two camps signals a heated battle ahead as DeSantis tries to close the gap in the polls.

In addition to his endorsements from law enforcement officers, DeSantis has also gained traction in fundraising. His political operation reported raising $15 million in the last three months, with $5 million available for the primary campaign.[6] This financial support will undoubtedly aid DeSantis in his efforts to secure the Republican nomination.

As the campaign progresses, DeSantis will continue to rely on his record as governor, highlighting his support for law enforcement, his tough-on-crime policies, and his commitment to ensuring the safety of communities.[7] With endorsements from law enforcement officers and a strong fundraising effort, DeSantis is positioning himself as a viable contender for the presidency, ready to tackle the challenges facing the nation.

0. “60 Bipartisan Florida Law Enforcement Officers Endorse for President” West Orlando News, 8 Oct. 2023, https://westorlandonews.com/60-bipartisan-florida-law-enforcement-officers-endorse-for-president

1. “DeSantis campaign announces 60 bipartisan Florida law enforcement officer endorsements” Florida’s Voice, 5 Oct. 2023, https://flvoicenews.com/desantis-campaign-announces-60-bipartisan-florida-law-enforcement-officer-endorsements/

2. “Local sheriffs endorse DeSantis over Trump in White House race” Villages-News, 5 Oct. 2023, https://www.villages-news.com/2023/10/05/local-sheriffs-endorse-desantis-over-trump-in-white-house-race/

3. “Ron DeSantis works to set himself apart while campaigning in the Upstate” WYFF4 Greenville, 4 Oct. 2023, https://www.wyff4.com/article/ron-desantis-campaigns-in-south-carolina/45447973

4. “Ron DeSantis explains why Republicans will start looking beyond Trump: He’s toxic for too many voters” New York Post , 8 Oct. 2023, https://nypost.com/2023/10/08/ron-desantis-explains-why-republicans-will-start-looking-beyond-trump

5. “In fresh line of attack, DeSantis warns voters that Trump will “sell you out”” CBS Miami, 3 Oct. 2023, https://www.cbsnews.com/miami/news/in-fresh-line-of-attack-desantis-warns-voters-that-trump-will-sell-you-out/

6. “Risks of DeSantis’ Iowa-first strategy mount as he returns to South Carolina for first time in nearly 3 months” CNN, 4 Oct. 2023, https://www.cnn.com/2023/10/04/politics/desantis-south-carolina-trip/index.html

7. “DeSantis endorsed by group of 60 bipartisan law enforcement officers: ‘Will bring back law and order'” Fox News, 5 Oct. 2023, https://www.foxnews.com/politics/desantis-endorsed-by-group-over-60-bipartisan-law-enforcement-officers-bring-back-law-order

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