Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is making significant changes to his presidential campaign team as he …

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is making significant changes to his presidential campaign team as he struggles to gain traction in the polls and faces doubts from donors. The latest shake-up involves replacing the campaign manager, Generra Peck, with James Uthmeier, the chief of staff for DeSantis’ gubernatorial office.[0] Uthmeier is known for his loyalty to DeSantis and his ability to enforce the governor’s agenda. This move comes after a rough stretch for DeSantis, which included layoffs, budget issues, and difficulties in gaining ground against former President Donald Trump, who is currently the front-runner for the Republican nomination.[1]

The decision to replace Peck with Uthmeier is seen as an attempt to improve DeSantis’ chances in the upcoming primary and to close the gap with Trump. The campaign also announced the addition of David Polyansky, who previously worked on the pro-DeSantis super PAC “Never Back Down,” as a deputy campaign manager.[2] Polyansky brings significant campaign experience to the team, having worked on several presidential campaigns, including Ted Cruz’s 2016 bid.[3]

The changes to the campaign team were confirmed by campaign officials, including spokesperson Bryan Griffin.[1] The move to replace Peck with Uthmeier is seen as an effort to bring in someone with more experience and a track record of success. Peck will remain with the campaign as chief strategist, while Ryan Tyson and Marc Reichelderfer, both experienced operatives, will also take on elevated roles.[1]

DeSantis’ campaign has been struggling in the polls, with Trump consistently leading by a wide margin. A recent New York Times/Siena College poll found Trump leading DeSantis 54% to 17% in the race for the GOP nomination.[4] In Iowa, a key state for DeSantis, he is trailing Trump by 24 percentage points.[4] These numbers highlight the challenges DeSantis faces in gaining support and building momentum for his campaign.

The decision to replace Peck with Uthmeier is seen as a high-stakes move for DeSantis. Uthmeier has no campaign management experience, but he has been a trusted ally of the governor and has played a key role in implementing DeSantis’ policies as chief of staff. It remains to be seen how Uthmeier’s lack of experience in running a national campaign will impact the campaign’s strategy and effectiveness.[5]

Despite the challenges, Uthmeier expressed confidence in DeSantis’ ability to win. He pointed to DeSantis’ previous victories, including his successful gubernatorial re-election bid in 2022, and highlighted the governor’s fundraising prowess and strong ground game.[4] Uthmeier’s appointment as campaign manager signals DeSantis’ trust in his abilities and his belief that he can turn the campaign around.

The changes to DeSantis’ campaign team come as he faces scrutiny and ethics complaints. Nikki Fried, the Florida Democratic Party chair, filed complaints alleging that members of DeSantis’ office improperly solicited donations for his presidential campaign.[6] These complaints add another layer of challenge for DeSantis as he tries to regain momentum and build support.

Overall, the decision to replace the campaign manager and make other changes to the senior staff reflects the challenges and concerns facing DeSantis’ campaign. With Trump leading in the polls and doubts from donors, DeSantis is making strategic moves to try to improve his chances in the primary race. The addition of Polyansky brings valuable campaign experience, while Uthmeier’s appointment highlights DeSantis’ trust in his inner circle. Only time will tell if these changes will be enough to help DeSantis turn his struggling campaign around and gain ground against Trump.

0. “Ron DeSantis replaces campaign manager as presidential bid struggles” Brunswick News, 8 Aug. 2023, https://thebrunswicknews.com/news/national_news/ron-desantis-replaces-campaign-manager-as-presidential-bid-struggles/article_b623d569-a0e8-5a76-80aa-921d302961f7.html

1. “Ron DeSantis replaces 2024 presidential election campaign manager” The Washington Post, 8 Aug. 2023, https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/08/08/ron-desantis-campaign-manager/

2. “DeSantis replaces campaign manager in latest staff shake-up” CBS News, 8 Aug. 2023, https://www.cbsnews.com/news/desantis-replaces-campaign-manager-generra-peck-james-uthmeier/

3. “DeSantis replaces 2024 campaign manager in continued shakeup” CNN, 8 Aug. 2023, https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/08/politics/desantis-campaign-manager-replacement/index.html

4. “DeSantis replaces campaign manager with chief of staff in latest staffing shakeup” Miami Herald, 8 Aug. 2023, https://www.miamiherald.com/news/politics-government/article278056662.html

5. “DeSantis Demotes Campaign Manager in Latest Shakeup of Fledgling POTUS Run” Truthout, 8 Aug. 2023, https://truthout.org/articles/desantis-demotes-campaign-manager-in-latest-shakeup-of-fledgling-potus-run/

6. “DeSantis replaces campaign manager as he struggles to catch up to Trump” Yahoo News, 8 Aug. 2023, https://news.yahoo.com/desantis-replaces-campaign-manager-latest-141815209.html

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