Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Unveils Energy Plan to Reduce Gas Prices and Prioritize American Interests

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has unveiled his energy plan, outlining his vision to reduce gas prices and energy costs for Americans.[0] In a press release, DeSantis expressed his commitment to achieving $2 gas by 2025 and emphasized the need for a pro-America energy policy that prioritizes American interests over those of foreign nations.[1] He criticized President Biden’s energy agenda and vowed to reverse it, eliminating reliance on hostile nations for energy and putting the economic interests of Americans first.

DeSantis’s plan includes rolling back subsidies for electric vehicles and supporting Americans’ right to choose the cars they want to drive.[2] He opposes the Biden administration’s proposed car pollution rules, which could lead to electric vehicles accounting for two-thirds of new car sales by 2032.[2] DeSantis aims to repeal these mandates and eliminate federal EV subsidies, citing the need to prevent California and faceless bureaucrats from setting America’s environmental standards.[3]

During his visit to Midland, Texas, DeSantis stood in front of two active oil rigs and highlighted the importance of boosting domestic fossil fuel production to lower gas prices. He emphasized his commitment to restoring American energy dominance and reducing global emissions without strict mandates and regulations. DeSantis plans to withdraw the United States from global climate change pacts, including the Paris climate accord, and end commitments to cut net greenhouse emissions to zero.[4]

However, critics have pointed out potential flaws in DeSantis’s plan. They argue that achieving $2 gas prices would require a crude oil price of around $45 to $55 per barrel, a level that has only been reached during periods of economic downturn.[5] They suggest that such low prices could lead to a halt in production growth and job losses in the industry. Additionally, promoting drilling on federal lands may not have a significant impact since federal production accounts for a small percentage of US oil output.[6]

Despite the criticisms, DeSantis remains committed to his energy plan, which he calls “Freedom to Fuel.” The plan prioritizes restoring American energy dominance, saving the American automobile industry, elevating evidence over ideology, reforming environmental permitting, jump-starting critical mineral and federal land development, and building an efficient and reliable energy grid.

Gas prices have been a significant concern for Americans, with fluctuations and record highs under the Biden administration.[4] DeSantis’s plan calls for refilling the country’s strategic petroleum reserves and limiting future use to emergencies.[2]

As DeSantis continues his campaign for the presidency, his energy plan will likely be a central focus of his platform. While it has received support from some, others remain skeptical of its feasibility and potential consequences. As the 2024 election approaches, it will be interesting to see how DeSantis’s energy plan resonates with voters and shapes the national conversation on energy policy.

0. “DeSantis to unveil major oil, natural gas production proposal during Texas visit” WorldOil, 14 Sep. 2023, https://www.worldoil.com/news/2023/9/14/desantis-to-unveil-major-oil-natural-gas-production-proposal-during-texas-visit/

1. “DeSantis pledges $2 gas if elected — though presidents only have limited say” The Hill, 20 Sep. 2023, https://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/4213811-desantis-pledges-2-gas-if-elected-though-presidents-only-have-limited-say/

2. “DeSantis unveils energy agenda while downplaying threats of climate change” CNN, 20 Sep. 2023, https://www.cnn.com/2023/09/20/politics/ron-desantis-energy-agenda-president/index.html

3. “DeSantis’ energy plan: Midland over Moscow” FOX 11 and FOX 41, 20 Sep. 2023, https://www.fox41yakima.com/desantis-energy-plan-midland-over-moscow/

4. “EXCLUSIVE: Oil and gas workers association with 47,000 members endorses TRUMP in 2024 – in blow to DeSantis on” Daily Mail, 20 Sep. 2023, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-12541459/oil-gas-endorse-trump-2024-desantis-snub-energy-policy.html

5. “DeSantis’ $2 gasoline dream should terrify Texas (Opinion)” Houston Chronicle , 20 Sep. 2023, https://www.houstonchronicle.com/opinion/outlook/article/desantis-2-gasoline-dream-terrify-texas-18379039.php

6. “DeSantis’ $2 Gasoline Dream Should Terrify Texas – The Washington Post” The Washington Post, 20 Sep. 2023, https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/energy/2023/09/20/desantis-promise-of-2-gasoline-by-2025-should-terrify-texas/5661fe94-57e0-11ee-bf64-cd88fe7adc71_story.html

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