Governor Ron DeSantis’s 2024 Presidential Bid Gains Momentum: Super PAC Urges Wealthy Donors for $50 Million Fundraising Push

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’s bid for the 2024 presidential election is gaining momentum, as his aligned super PAC, Never Back Down, pleads with wealthy donors to help raise a whopping $50 million before the end of the year.[0] The plea comes just hours before DeSantis’s first GOP debate, highlighting the urgency of the campaign’s financial needs. Attendees at the meeting where the plea was made revealed that the super PAC’s strategy is to focus heavily on the Iowa caucuses, which are just four months away. The goal is to secure a strong position in the early primary states, including Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina.

The leaked audio also revealed the campaign’s desire to make DeSantis more likable to voters. They suggested leveraging the image of his wife, Casey, who is described as “warm and humble.” The hope is that by highlighting his personal life and presenting him as a relatable figure, DeSantis will appeal to a broader range of voters.

However, the campaign is not without its concerns. Polls have shown Vivek Ramaswamy, a 38-year-old Harvard-educated candidate, gaining momentum in the Republican primary and posing a serious threat to DeSantis.[1] The super PAC’s spokesperson expressed anxiety over Ramaswamy’s ascendance and the increased scrutiny it brings. Despite this, the campaign remains focused on its goal of surpassing former President Donald Trump and becoming the leading rival to the frontrunner.

In an effort to reallocate resources, Never Back Down has decided to suspend its door-knocking operations in Nevada, California, Texas, and North Carolina.[2] Instead, the campaign will invest more in the early-voting states, particularly Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina. The organization sees significant opportunities in these states and believes that success there will set the stage for the later primary states in March.[3]

The urgency for fundraising is evident in the campaign’s request for $50 million in the next month and a total of $100 million by the end of March 2024. The campaign’s chief executive, Chris Jankowski, emphasized the need for immediate financial support, stating, “We just need your help getting $50 million more by the end of the year, and $100 million more by the end of March.”[4]

The campaign recognizes the challenge of competing with the media attention received by Donald Trump.[5] Kristin Davison, the chief operations officer of Never Back Down, highlighted the stark difference in earned media between DeSantis and Trump. While Trump receives approximately $30 million of earned media daily, DeSantis only receives around $5 to $6 million.[6] The campaign sees this discrepancy as an opportunity to increase DeSantis’s media presence and build momentum.

Despite the urgency for funding, the campaign remains optimistic, with strategist Jeff Roe stating, “Now let me tell you a secret – don’t leak this. We need to do this now. We’re making a move now.”[3] The campaign is confident that with the support of donors, they can achieve their financial goals and secure DeSantis’s position as a leading contender in the 2024 presidential race.

In conclusion, Governor Ron DeSantis’s bid for the 2024 presidential election is gaining momentum, as his super PAC, Never Back Down, pleads with wealthy donors to raise $50 million before the end of the year. The campaign is focused on the early primary states, particularly Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, and sees significant opportunities in these states. Despite challenges from rival candidates, the campaign remains optimistic and confident in its ability to secure the necessary funds and propel DeSantis to the forefront of the Republican primary.

0. “DeSantis Group Urges Donors for $50 Million in Sign of Cash Crunch” Yahoo News, 1 Sep. 2023,

1. “DeSantis Super PAC Rep Boasts Of Cooking Up ‘Scrutiny’ To Target Rival Ramaswamy” HuffPost, 4 Sep. 2023,

2. “DeSantis’ door-knockers, no ‘filter’ Ramaswamy and other campaign trail takeaways” ABC News, 23 Aug. 2023,

3. “Ron DeSantis Super PAC Is Hurting His Campaign” Newsweek, 1 Sep. 2023,

4. “More strategy leaks spring from Ron DeSantis super PAC” Florida Politics, 1 Sep. 2023,

5. “DeSantis Super PAC’s Urgent Plea to Donors: ‘We Need 50 Million Bucks’” Yahoo News, 1 Sep. 2023,

6. “‘We need 50 million bucks’ and other takeaways from a pro-DeSantis PAC’s pitch” The Washington Post, 1 Sep. 2023,

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