Nikki Haley’s Presidential Campaign Gains Momentum with $11 Million Fundraising Haul

Nikki Haley’s presidential campaign has gained significant momentum in the third quarter, as it announced raising over $11 million in funds. This amount includes $9.1 million in cash on hand that can be used in the primary.[0] The campaign’s strong fundraising performance gives Haley more room to expand her operations compared to her rival, Ron DeSantis. DeSantis, who raised $15 million in the same quarter, only has around $5 million that can be used in the primary, indicating that much of his funds came from donors who have already reached their maximum donation limit for the general election and primary.[1]

Haley’s campaign spokesperson, Olivia Perez-Cubas, highlighted the surge in support and momentum that they have been experiencing.[2] Perez-Cubas stated that Haley is emerging as the candidate who can move America forward from the chaos and drama of the past and present. The campaign believes they have the necessary resources to achieve this goal.

Haley and DeSantis are emerging as potential alternatives to former President Donald Trump in the Republican Party.[3] While Haley still trails behind DeSantis in national and Iowa polls, she has gained significant support in New Hampshire, where she has surpassed the Florida governor. Additionally, Haley polls ahead of DeSantis in her home state of South Carolina, where she previously served as governor.

However, Haley still faces challenges in Iowa, where she trails both DeSantis and Trump in the polls. If Trump wins the first state or two, he will likely have significant momentum and the opportunity to eliminate Haley’s candidacy, especially in her home state.[4]

Some allies of DeSantis believe that the fight for the leading Trump challenger has narrowed down to Haley and DeSantis. They argue that DeSantis is a better fit for the pro-Trump wing of the party and that Haley has yet to face the level of scrutiny that DeSantis has experienced. The DeSantis campaign is hoping for a strong showing in Iowa to shape the subsequent early primary states.[5]

Haley’s improved fundraising performance is attributed to her well-received debate performances, steady campaigning, and increased spending.[6] She has gained the support of nearly 40,000 new donors in the third quarter alone, bringing the total number of donors to over 100,000 since her campaign began.[7] The surge in new donors suggests that her debate performances have increased enthusiasm for her presidential bid.[8]

The competition for donor support between Haley and DeSantis reflects their changing positions in the race and DeSantis’ failure to establish a one-on-one matchup with Trump. Both candidates’ fundraising totals pale in comparison to Trump’s, who claims to have raised $45.5 million in the last quarter.[5] Trump has a significant fundraising advantage, with $36 million available for the primary.[5]

As the race shifts, Trump has started targeting Haley after focusing on DeSantis for months.[5] He recently referred to Haley as “birdbrain” in a social media post, criticizing her for running against him after previously stating she wouldn’t.[5] Haley responded by stating that their rise in the polls means they are in second place and moving up fast.[5]

Haley’s campaign emphasized the $9.1 million in cash on hand that they have available for the upcoming nominating contests.[9] This amount surpasses the $5 million that DeSantis has remaining in his accounts for the primary.[0]

The race between Haley and DeSantis for the favor of donors reflects the changing dynamics and highlights the threat that Haley poses to Trump’s chances at the nomination. The Haley campaign argues that their polling in key early voting states shows her ahead of DeSantis.[10] They also note that they have more cash on hand than DeSantis, who relies heavily on an allied super PAC for funding.[10]

Haley’s campaign is gaining momentum as she continues to improve her standing in the race. Her strong fundraising performance and growing support in key primary states suggest that she is a serious contender for the Republican nomination. However, she still faces challenges, particularly in Iowa, where DeSantis and Trump currently hold the lead. The upcoming months will be crucial for both candidates as they compete for support and establish themselves as the primary alternative to Trump.

0. “Nikki Haley Appears To Beat Ron DeSantis On This One Key Metric” Yahoo! Voices, 9 Oct. 2023,

1. “New GOP presidential fundraising numbers: here’s which candidate jumped to second highest” WJCL News Savannah, 10 Oct. 2023,

2. “Nikki Haley raises £21.2m for her campaign” Garavi Gujarat, 11 Oct. 2023,

3. “Haley super PAC takes Trump tone on ‘DeSantis desperation tour'” Washington Examiner, 10 Oct. 2023,

4. “Trump Foes Find New Doomed Champion in Nikki Haley” New York Magazine, 12 Oct. 2023,

5. “Haley is rising in New Hampshire. But toppling Trump is a tall order.” The Washington Post, 9 Oct. 2023,

6. “Nikki Haley raised $11 million in third quarter, making fundraising gains in her fight to emerge as a leading Trump rival” – WKBT, 9 Oct. 2023,

7. “Nikki Haley’s campaign raised more than $11 million in quarter three as the 2024 presidential hopeful gains gr” Daily Mail, 9 Oct. 2023,

8. “Nikki Haley pulls in $11 million in third quarter following debate performances” Washington Examiner, 9 Oct. 2023,

9. “Donald Trump ahead in campaign fundraising; Nikki Haley closes in on Ron DeSantis” UPI News, 10 Oct. 2023,

10. “DeSantis and Haley just made their pitch to top GOP donors” POLITICO, 13 Oct. 2023,

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