Ron DeSantis Sparks GOP Debate Over US Role in Ukraine

Ron DeSantis Downplays Russia Threat After Biden Visit

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, who is widely considered a likely candidate for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination, downplayed the military threat posed by Russia after President Joe Biden made a surprise visit to Ukraine on Monday. DeSantis, appearing on Fox News, criticized the Biden administration’s aid to Ukraine as a “blank-check policy” and rebuked the suggestion that Moscow poses a serious threat to NATO allies.[0]

DeSantis also expressed concerns about China’s potential involvement in the conflict in Ukraine, noting that Secretary of State Antony Blinken has expressed worries that China may be sending lethal assistance to Russia.[1] “It’s important to point out the fear of Russia going into NATO countries and all of that and steamrolling that is not even coming close to happening. I think they’ve shown themselves to be a third-rate military power,” DeSantis said.[2]

The governor’s decision to align himself with Russia has been met with criticism from both Democrats and Republicans.[3] Critics have charged him with being a lackey of Russia; others have posited that he is striving to please Trump’s supporters in an effort to gain the presidency in 2024.[3] DeSantis has defended his stance, pointing to Biden’s “weakness” during his first year in office, including the “disastrous withdrawal in Afghanistan.”[4]

“So I think it would behoove them to identify what is the strategic objective that they’re trying to achieve, but just saying it’s an open-ended blank check, that is not acceptable,” he said.[5]

The divide over the US role in Ukraine is one of the opening fault lines of a GOP race that is only beginning to take shape, and one that could become a heated topic when Republican primary debates begin in the coming months.[6] The consequences of DeSantis’s stance on Ukraine could have serious implications for US foreign policy, and it remains to be seen how this will impact his chances of winning the Republican nomination in 2024.[3]

0. “DeSantis wades into foreign policy, Ukraine” The Hill, 22 Feb. 2023,

1. “DeSantis downplays Russia as a global threat after Biden’s visit to Kyiv: ‘I think they’ve shown themselves to be a third-rate military power'” Yahoo News, 21 Feb. 2023,

2. “Ron DeSantis Goes Full Trump on Ukraine” New York Magazine, 21 Feb. 2023,

3. “”Florida Governor Ron DeSantis Goes Full Trump on Ukraine, Raises Concerns Among Experts” – Boca Raton’s Most …” The Boca Raton Tribune, 22 Feb. 2023,

4. “Ron DeSantis Slams Biden For Handing Ukraine A ‘Blank Check'” The Federalist, 20 Feb. 2023,

5. “Karl Rove lauds Ron DeSantis’ Ukraine position” Florida Politics, 21 Feb. 2023,

6. “GOP 2024 hopefuls divided over US role in Ukraine war” kuna noticias y kuna radio, 21 Feb. 2023,

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