Ron DeSantis Takes the High Road: How Insults from Trump Help His Campaign

In the world of politics, insults and name-calling are nothing new. However, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis seems to have a unique take on the matter. Instead of getting defensive or retaliating, DeSantis believes that being targeted with “juvenile insults” by former President Donald Trump actually helps him.[0] According to DeSantis, these insults serve as a reminder to voters of why they may not want to support Trump going forward.

DeSantis made these comments during a recent campaign stop in New Hampshire, where he is currently on a four-day visit as part of his presidential campaign.[0] He expressed his belief that voters do not appreciate the use of insults and see them as ineffective. In his opinion, the insults only reinforce the idea that there are millions of voters who will never vote for Trump again.

Trump has not held back in his attacks on DeSantis throughout the campaign. He has referred to the governor as “Ron DeSanctimonious” and has taken every opportunity to mock and belittle him.[0] At a recent event in Iowa, Trump warned Republicans not to “take a chance” on DeSantis and continued to use derogatory nicknames to demean him.[0]

These insults have not gone unnoticed by DeSantis, but he has chosen not to engage in a war of words. Instead, he has focused on criticizing Trump’s effectiveness in office and highlighting his own record as governor of Florida. DeSantis believes that he is the candidate more likely to beat President Joe Biden and deliver on his promises.[0]

Despite the insults and attacks, DeSantis remains confident in his campaign and his ability to appeal to voters. He sees the incoming criticism as a sign that he is perceived as a threat by his opponents. While Trump currently leads the 2024 GOP primary polls with over 50% support, DeSantis is the clear second-choice pick for Republicans.[0]

The polls in key early voting states also reflect Trump’s lead, but DeSantis is not discouraged. He believes that his policy differences and record as governor will resonate with voters and ultimately lead to his success. He has even stated that if elected, he will serve two terms, not just one.

It remains to be seen how DeSantis’s strategy will play out in the long run. While some may view his refusal to engage in personal attacks as a sign of weakness, others see it as a refreshing approach to politics. Only time will tell if DeSantis’s belief that these insults actually help him will hold true as the campaign progresses.

In conclusion, the battle between Ron DeSantis and Donald Trump in the 2024 GOP primary is heating up, with insults and attacks flying from both sides. While Trump has been relentless in his mockery of DeSantis, the Florida governor remains unfazed.[0] He believes that these insults only serve to remind voters why they may not want to support Trump in the future. Instead of retaliating, DeSantis has chosen to focus on his own record and policy differences. Whether or not this strategy will pay off remains to be seen, but DeSantis is confident that he is the candidate who can beat Biden and deliver on his promises.

0. “Chris Sununu calls on Ron DeSantis to show ‘charisma and leadership’ to voters” Florida Politics, 31 Jul. 2023,

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