The Age Factor: How the Presidential Candidates’ Ages are Shaping the 2024 Race

The age of presidential candidates has become a central concern for voters in the 2024 race. With President Joe Biden currently 80 years old and former President Donald Trump, the current Republican frontrunner, at 77, age has become a focal point of the campaign.[0] Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who is 44, has positioned himself as the younger alternative to Trump, emphasizing the need for an energetic president.[1]

DeSantis has been vocal about his views on the age of presidential candidates. He believes that the presidency is not a job for someone who is 80 years old, although he clarifies that there is nothing wrong with being elderly.[2] He acknowledges that there are many great people who are elderly, but emphasizes that the role of president requires someone who can give it their all and provide 100% effort. DeSantis argues that the country needs an energetic leader who can effectively fulfill the demands of the job.

In addition to his concerns about Biden’s age, DeSantis suggests that if he were to become the Republican nominee and face off against Biden as the Democratic nominee, many Americans would want to see a generational passing of the torch.[3] This reflects a desire for new leadership and a fresh perspective in the White House.

DeSantis also raises the question of whether the Founding Fathers would have put an age limit on certain offices if given the opportunity.[4] He notes that many political leaders in Washington are 75 years old or older and suggests that the Founders may have considered implementing age limits for these positions. This raises a broader discussion about the age of elected officials and whether there should be limitations in place.

The issue of age in politics extends beyond the presidential race. A CBS News poll found that 80% of Americans believe elected officials older than 75 risk being out of touch with the times, and 78% have concerns about their ability to perform their job. This indicates a widespread concern among the public regarding the age of politicians and their ability to effectively govern.

While DeSantis has been vocal about his concerns regarding the age of Biden and Trump, he also criticizes Biden’s performance as president. DeSantis argues that Biden is stumbling around the world stage and projecting weakness, which he believes has already been taken advantage of by America’s enemies. He suggests that Biden has been struggling for quite some time and that his presidency has been more left-wing than Obama’s, despite presenting himself as a more moderate candidate during the 2020 election.

The issue of age in politics is not limited to the presidential race. Many prominent politicians, such as Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senator Dianne Feinstein, are in their 80s.[5] This raises questions about the effectiveness and capabilities of older elected officials. The concerns about age extend beyond the presidency and encompass other positions of power in Washington.

In conclusion, the age of presidential candidates has become a significant issue in the 2024 race. Ron DeSantis, along with other GOP candidates, has positioned himself as the younger alternative to older candidates like Biden and Trump.[1] DeSantis argues that the presidency requires an energetic leader who can give 100% effort to the job. The concerns about age extend beyond the presidential race and raise broader questions about the capabilities of older elected officials. As the campaign progresses, the age of the candidates will continue to be a focal point of discussion among voters.

0. “Ron DeSantis Takes A Dig At Joe Biden: ‘Presidency Is Not A Job For Someone That’s 80 Years Old'” Benzinga, 13 Sep. 2023,

1. “DeSantis: Biden and Trump ages “absolutely a legitimate concern”” Axios, 13 Sep. 2023,

2. “DeSantis says Biden’s and Trump’s ages are a “legitimate concern”” CBS News, 12 Sep. 2023,

3. “DeSantis says Trump’s age, like Biden’s, ‘legitimate concern’ in 2024 election” Fox News, 13 Sep. 2023,

4. “Ron DeSantis: Age a ‘Legitimate Concern’ About Trump, Biden” Mediaite, 13 Sep. 2023,

5. “On the cusp of his 45th birthday, DeSantis plays the age card against Biden, Trump” Florida Phoenix, 13 Sep. 2023,

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