Trump leads DeSantis in GOP primary polling for 2024 presidential election, but DeSantis continues to consolidate support

As the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches, potential Republican nominees are jockeying for position and attempting to consolidate support. One of the leading challengers to former President Donald Trump’s potential bid is Florida Governor Ron DeSantis. However, recent polling data shows that Trump remains the clear favorite among Republican voters. A poll conducted by the University of Georgia’s School of Public & International Affairs Survey Research Center found that Trump has the support of 50.7% of likely Republican primary voters, while DeSantis comes in second with 29.8%. Another poll from Morning Consult shows Trump with 59% of GOP support, leading DeSantis by 41 points.

Despite these numbers, DeSantis has been laying the groundwork for a potential run and attempting to consolidate support within his party. However, he has seen an erosion in support in recent weeks, with Trump pulling further ahead in polling.[0] DeSantis has yet to formally announce his pursuit of the Republican nomination, but he has been speaking at GOP events in key primary voting states such as New Hampshire and is expected to announce his candidacy later this spring.[1]

DeSantis’ efforts to consolidate support in Florida have been complicated by recent endorsements of Trump by members of the state’s congressional delegation.[1] The endorsements, including those from vocal Trump supporters Reps. Matt Gaetz, Anna Paulina Luna, and Cory Mills, were not surprising.[1] However, Rep. Byron Donalds’ endorsement of Trump was unexpected, as he had been a DeSantis ally.[2]

The DeSantis camp has expressed “angst” over the endorsements, with one consultant for a contacted Congress member telling NBC News that “Gaetz going with Trump is one thing, but Byron’s endorsement of the former president undoubtedly rattled some cages.” In response, DeSantis’ team has initiated calls with members of Congress in an attempt to consolidate support.[3] The effort is being led by Ryan Tyson, a longtime strategist in DeSantis’ political orbit.[3]

DeSantis has also been the target of attacks from the Trump camp, with a spokesperson for the former president accusing DeSantis of “colluding with his globalist handlers to go full Never Trump in order to gaslight the people into thinking that Medicare and Social Security should be ripped away from hard-working Americans.” The spokesperson also claimed that DeSantis had “long embraced plans to cut Social Security and Medicare, as well as raising the eligibility age of both programs.”

Despite the attacks and the polling numbers, some Republicans are still throwing their support behind DeSantis.[4] Former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele recently endorsed DeSantis, stating that he has “the right stuff” to be president. Conservative radio host Ben Shapiro also recently endorsed DeSantis, calling him “the most promising Republican candidate for president in 2024.”

Ultimately, the race for the Republican nomination in 2024 is still wide open, with many potential candidates still testing the waters and attempting to consolidate support. While Trump remains the clear favorite among Republican voters, DeSantis and other challengers will continue to make their case and attempt to win over voters in the coming months.

0. “DeSantis pleads with Florida Congress members to stop endorsing Trump” The Guardian US, 13 Apr. 2023,

1. “Florida lawmakers caught in endorsement battle between Trump, DeSantis” Sarasota Herald-Tribune, 13 Apr. 2023,

2. “Ron DeSantis’ team tries to stop Florida GOP from endorsing Trump” NBC News, 12 Apr. 2023,

3. “Stop endorsing Trump, ‘challenger’ DeSantis tells Florida Congress members” The Telegraph, 13 Apr. 2023,

4. “Trump campaign targets DeSantis’s votes in Congress on Medicare, Social Security” The Hill, 16 Apr. 2023,

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