Trump Leads Republican Primary with 53.3% Support, DeSantis Trails Behind: Iowa Caucus and the Battle for 2024

In a recent poll, former President Donald Trump is shown to be leading the Republican primary with 53.3 percent support, while Florida Governor Ron DeSantis trails behind with just 14.3 percent.[0] These numbers, reported by polling aggregator FiveThirtyEight, highlight the continued popularity and influence of Trump within the Republican Party. As of August 3rd, Trump maintained a significant lead over DeSantis, who has seen a slight drop in support since the end of last month.[1]

Nationally, Trump’s lead over DeSantis is even more pronounced, with 54 percent of respondents favoring the former president compared to just 17 percent for DeSantis. However, in the crucial state of Iowa, Trump’s lead is somewhat narrower, with 44 percent of likely caucusgoers supporting him, while DeSantis garners 20 percent.[2]

The dynamics of the Republican primary race are further complicated by the endorsement of DeSantis by prominent conservative talk show host Steve Deace.[2] Deace, who is based in Iowa, formally endorsed DeSantis on Friday, lending his support to the Florida governor’s presidential bid.[3] Deace, known for his influence in Iowa politics, previously endorsed the winners of the 2008 and 2016 Iowa caucuses, Mike Huckabee and Ted Cruz, respectively.[2] His endorsement of DeSantis could potentially sway conservative voters in the state.

Despite DeSantis’s efforts to gain traction in Iowa, his campaign has faced some challenges. At a recent event in Iowa, reporters from the Iowa Starting Line, including Ty Rushing, were denied access.[1] Rushing, who has covered news in Iowa for 10 years, expressed his surprise at being banned from covering an Iowa Caucus event, calling it a first in his career.[1] The reasons for the ban were not provided by the campaign, leaving Rushing and others to speculate on the motivations behind the decision.

The Iowa Caucus holds significant weight in the presidential primary process, as candidates vie for support and attempt to connect with voters in this key state. Many candidates have made their way to Iowa in recent months, including DeSantis and Trump, as they seek to gain momentum and secure the support of voters.[4] The Iowa State Fair, in particular, has traditionally been a popular venue for presidential hopefuls to engage with voters and make their case for the nomination.[5]

Governor Kim Reynolds of Iowa, a Republican, has praised DeSantis’s campaign efforts in the state, noting his willingness to engage with voters and listen to their concerns.[6] Reynolds emphasized the importance of candidates visiting Iowa and connecting with voters directly, highlighting the role that Iowans play in shaping the primary race.

During DeSantis’s recent bus tour in Iowa, an altercation occurred as a woman shouted, “Go back to Florida, pudding fingers!” at the governor.[7] The incident underscores the contentious nature of the campaign trail and the passion that can be aroused among supporters and detractors alike.

As the race for the 2024 Republican nomination heats up, candidates like DeSantis and Trump will continue to vie for support in Iowa and other crucial states. The outcome of the Iowa Caucus will serve as an early indication of who may ultimately secure the party’s nomination.[8] With endorsements, campaign events, and enthusiastic supporters, the primary race promises to be a fierce battle for the Republican candidates.

0. “Ron and Casey DeSantis turn Iowa State Representative’s wedding into a campaign stunt as Florida Governor trie” Daily Mail, 6 Aug. 2023,

1. “Ron DeSantis event bans Black reporter and colleague from entering — but allows every other reporter in (video)” Boing Boing, 11 Aug. 2023,

2. “Conservative Iowa radio host Steve Deace endorses DeSantis” The Hill, 11 Aug. 2023,

3. “Conservative talk show host Steve Deace endorses Gov. Ron DeSantis” Des Moines Register, 11 Aug. 2023,

4. “Governor DeSantis on Comment of Having Governor Kim Reynolds as Potential Running Mate” Raccoon Valley Radio, 11 Aug. 2023,

5. “Conservative Iowa radio host Steve Deace endorses DeSantis” Yahoo News, 11 Aug. 2023,

6. “Iowa Gov. Reynolds praises DeSantis visiting state’s 99 counties: ‘He’s showing up'” Florida’s Voice, 11 Aug. 2023,

7. “It Got Ugly When Ron DeSantis Was Called ‘Pudding Fingers’ By Hecklers” UPROXX, 11 Aug. 2023,

8. “Ron DeSantis brings wife Casey and his children to Iowa: Says Trump sees him as a ‘threat'” Daily Mail, 10 Aug. 2023,

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